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UML Package Diagrams

Packages are logical grouping of components, classes etc. Logical Containers Support Large Models e.g: In below diagram Web Client Package is dependent on Account Services Package. And Account Services Package is dependent on Logging Package . Online Bill Payer and Investment Service are components in package Account Service. Birthday Bonus Component is dependent of ChildSavingPlan Class as shown.
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How to check if JWT Token is Tampered ?

JWT Tokens has three parts: Header Pay Load Signature Header includes the encryption algorithm and token type. e.g: {    "alg" : "HS256",    "typ" : "JWT" } Signature is created using base64url encoding the header and payload and concatenating them with a period(.) as a seperator. Take the signature of the token and decode it from base64, take the encryption algorithm from the header and generate the signature for the base64 encoded header + '.' + base64 encoded payload. If the signature received and calculated are matching then nobody has tampered the JWT. - Mayank Gupta

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Adding a code repository to git hub

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Design Patterns : Abstract Factory

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