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Design Patterns : Abstract Factory

Abstract Factory is a kind of Structural Design Pattern.
Solves the problem of creating instances of entire product families without specifying their concrete class.

Frequency of use: 5/5 (High)

Provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.
The new operator is considered harmful



  • Explicitly declare interfaces for each distinct product of the product family
  • Make all variants of that product follow those interfaces
  • Create an abstract factory which returns abstract product type represented by the interface

UML Class Diagram:


using System;

namespace AbstractFactory
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("This is Abstract Factory");

    #region FamilyOfProducts
    abstract class Button
        public abstract void Paint();

    class WindowsButton : Button
        public override void Paint()
            Console.WriteLine("Paint() called of Windows Button");

    class MacButton : Button
        public override void Paint()
            Console.WriteLine("Paint() called of Mac Button");

    abstract class CheckBox
        public abstract void Paint();

    class WinCheckBox : CheckBox
        public override void Paint()
            Console.WriteLine("Paint() called of Windows CheckBox");

    class MacCheckBox : CheckBox
        public override void Paint()
            Console.WriteLine("Paint() called of Mac CheckBox");
    #endregion FamilyOfProducts

    #region AbstractFactory & ConcreteFactory
    abstract class GUIFactory
        public abstract Button CreateButton();
        public abstract CheckBox CreateCheckBox();

    class WinFactory : GUIFactory
        public override Button CreateButton()
            return new WindowsButton();

        public override CheckBox CreateCheckBox()
            return new WinCheckBox();

    class MacFactory : GUIFactory
        public override Button CreateButton()
            return new MacButton();

        public override CheckBox CreateCheckBox()
            return new MacCheckBox();
    #endregion AbstractFactory

    class Application
        private GUIFactory _factory;


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